National Treasure Minute

The podcast where we analyze, scrutinize, and celebrate National Treasure one minute at a time.

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Thursday Feb 24, 2022

A shorter episode this time, as we (mostly Sarah) didn't do as much homework as we should have.
But we learn something new about a certain pipe, and we discover that Ian does have some academic training, or at least experience in pipe collecting. 
Stay safe and positive in these times!

Thursday Feb 24, 2022

We follow our main characters as they explore the insides of The Charlotte.
Help us survive through the cold weather and the manic video editing of this sequence, and thanks again for listening!

Sunday Jan 16, 2022

Back at it again, with a short one this time. Not a ton happening in this minute, but a few new historical factoids from Sarah and a look at the screenplay from 2003 help us through. Hope you enjoy! 

Minute 9: Boston Massacre

Sunday Dec 05, 2021

Sunday Dec 05, 2021

We have another fun minute for you, fellow Nicolas Cage admirers! We talk about the finding of the Charlotte and its miraculous one day recovery. Then, we dive into the details of Sean Bean on another Actor Spotlight. Plus, Sarah ruins all of my bits because she's too intuitive. :( 
Thanks for listening! Let us know your opinions! 

Minute 8: Hydrothermic

Saturday Sep 18, 2021

Saturday Sep 18, 2021

In today's minute, we learn about metal detectors and a particular type-cast actor with yet another Actor Spotlight. :) 
Other films mentioned: Redline and The Librarian: Quest For the Spear
Thanks for listening!

Minute 7: You Can't Go 50%

Monday Aug 30, 2021

Monday Aug 30, 2021

We are back at it again! In today's episode we talk about the origin of hula dancer figurines, shoelace omens, and how Sarah feels about movies being realistic. Also, we have another Actor Spotlight: Justin Bartha! 

Monday Apr 12, 2021

We are sad to have learned of Christopher Plummer's passing. What a tremendous actor, but we always have the Sound of Music to remember him with. 
In this very educational minute we learn about snow vehicles, exploration of the north pole, and Nicolas Cage's many accomplishments. 
Hope you enjoy!

Monday Feb 01, 2021

As we wrap up the first 5 minutes of National Treasure we talk about CGI faces, realistic dialogue, and ironically make another connection to "The Sound of Music". 
Stay tuned, we have exciting things planned for the future...
Also, we have been officially added to the Movies by Minutes website!!!
Go check it out.

Monday Jan 25, 2021

Hey listeners! We are excited to continue to bring you the minutes, and we appreciate you listening to us stumble over our words and enjoy a movie we love. 
In this minute, we talk a little bit about the clue which Grandpa Christopher Plummer gives to young Ben Gates, Sarah gets a little slap happy, and we get a little off topic. 
See you in the next minute, and don't forget to check out Star Wars Minute, the podcast that inspired all of this. 

Minute 3: Bad Fight Scenes

Monday Jan 18, 2021

Monday Jan 18, 2021

We learn more about the backstory of THE "national treasure" which the movie revolves around, and we see some interesting action sequences take place. Could you keep this treasure a secret for 1000 years?

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